Cutting Calories Doesn't Work - It's simple Algebra

Dr. Jason Fung Explains the Truth About Weight Loss & Insulin!

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Fast vs. Slow Carbs - Why it Matters - It's the Insulin

Dr. Jason Fung breaks down how all carbs are not the same.

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Metabolic Syndrome is caused by Hyper-Insulinemia

Hyperinsulinemia can be reversed by changing the diet.

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What causes Insulin Resistance?

Dr. Jason Fung explains that in biologic systems, persistent exposure causes resistance due to the near universal phenomenon of homeostasis. Insulin resistance is caused by hyperinsulinemia, which results in more hyperinsulinemia in a vicious cycle.

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Why Fructose Causes Insulin Resistance

Fructose is much more dangerous for weight gain and diabetes compared to an equal amount of glucose. This is due to the way fructose is metabolized exclusively in the liver and its propensity to cause insulin resistance.

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Intermittent Fasting and Insulin Like Growth Factor-1

Exploring the science of fasting and the relationship between IGF-1 and disease and longevity. How growth hormone is related to IGF-1 and ideal levels of insulin like growth factor 1.

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What is Insulin?

Dr. Jason Fung discusses how insulin resistance develops.

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